
Monday, March 28, 2011

more rest

I'm not sure if running right now would make my ankle worse or not, but I do know this: rest is certainly not going to hurt any. I planned to run 7 yesterday, but after stretching, I noticed that little nagging pain emerging just a bit. I had that voice in the back of my head calling me a lazy ass but at the same time I had a voice of reason coming out. Plus I had a hungover lazy ass body that agreed with the latter right away.
Today was my wife's birthday and to be honest I needed to take care of a few things relating to that, so once again, I decided that rest isn't going to kill me.
With that said, I have to get my ass on an elliptical and start logging some serious time asap. And soon, I need to at least get out there and see what a few miles does to me.
So my contingency plan for this week is as follows:
Tuesday: run 3ish + strength. stop running if I feel any pain.
Wednesday: 7 miles on the elliptical
Thursday: 3 miles + strength
Friday: 5 miles
Saturday: 12, or as many as possible
Sunday: rest
Monday: rest
Next Tuesday: back to schedule

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