Good news! I had my Physical Therapist friend take a look (and a poke, and a twist, and a bend) at my ankle, and he's confident that there is nothing seriously wrong with it. The pain I am experiencing is not a stress fracture or what Curt Schilling had or anything of the sort.
However, that doesn't mean I can stop doing all the right things. (i.e. increasing mileage and speed gradually, icing it, and staying away from uneven surfaces)
One thing I know I can do is add some cross training. Especially if I cut back a bit on mileage as I do that. But my ankle is not going to get worse if I play tennis or hike.
Fortunately for me, it just got wicked nice out this week. And I just purchased a rowing machine. And i just finished a rest week and feel great. Perfect combination for me to have a very productive week of working out.
Here is the training I've scheduled for myself this week.
Monday- lift + rowing machine
Tuesday- 3 mi + lift
Wednesday- 3 mi + 6 mi elliptical
Thursday- 3 mi + mountain biking
Friday- rest
Saturday- hiking/ trail running
Sunday- 13 mi long run
I'm going to burn hella calories this week. And I have no plans to throw out any of that work with binge drinking or eating either!
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